Classic Cakes

۸۲۵,۰۰۰ تومان

If you need to bake for a special occasion or just feel like a treat at tea time, this book is the ideal choice. A dazzling array of classic cakes, fruit cakes, spice, nut and seed cakes, irresistible chocolate cakes, dessert cakes and cheesecakes feature along with special occasion cakes, loaf cakes and tray bakes, as well as little cakes in all shapes and styles. All the classics are here, from Victoria Sponge to Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Icing. There are traditional fruit cakes, as well as those with fresh fruit such as spicy Plum Kuchen. Whatever cake you prefer, and whether you are a novice or an experienced baker, you won't be able to wait to start baking.

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