Organic Cooking

۹۹۰,۰۰۰ تومان

Organic Cooking: 150 deliciously healthy recipes shown in 250 photographs
Great-tasting food starts with using the best ingredients and that means going organic. But organic cooking is about more than just taste; it is also an entire movement, encompassing natural farming methods, fairer trade and a closer link to fresh, seasonal produce. This book will show you how to make the best use of organic ingredients. Recipes follow the changing pattern of the seasons, with chapters on Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, each presenting a wealth of recipes for appetizers, main courses and desserts. The 150 irresistible dishes include Marinated Salmon with Avocado Salad, Winter Farmhouse Soup, Chicken with Cashew Nuts, Fillets of Brill in Red Wine Sauce, Roast Leg of Lamb, Fillets of Sea Bream in Filo Pastry, Thai Beef Salad, Tabbouleh, Roasted Garlic and Squash Soup, Fragrant Fruit Salad, and Spiced Poached Kumquats. The book features a guide to the range of organic ingredients available, and is packed with information on the many nutritional and health benefits of organic food. Enjoy the very best organically grown food with these fantastic recipes, each complete with a nutritional breakdown to help you plan a healthy diet

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