Complete Book of Main Courses

۶۵۰,۰۰۰ تومان

This essential cookbook provides wonderful ideas for main courses for every occasion, featuring dishes from around the world, to suit every taste and every kind of diet. With a mixture of well-loved classics and modern cuisine, it presents recipes for traditional Sunday lunches, casual suppers, big family feasts, intimate romantic meals for two, and evening dinner parties to impress. A wide range of delicious main courses is included: soups, egg and cheese dishes, salads, rice, risotto, pasta, gnocchi, noodles, pan-fried dishes, stews, casseroles, curries, stove-top dishes, grills, griddled dishes, roasts, baked dishes, pizzas, tarts and pies. Step-by-step instructions make every recipe easy to make, and over 800 photographs ensure perfect results. Entertain in style and with confidence, drawing on this authoritative book for all the information, inspiration and ideas that you require.

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