Howl's Moving Castle Picture Book

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Add Howl's Moving Castle to this list of must-have movie books. Director Hayao Miyazaki is a master storyteller and his films have all become classics of animation. There's no better way to preserve the magic of Howl and his flying castle than by adding this delightful volume to your home library.

Earlier this year, VIZ Media released The Art of Howl's Moving Castle, a hardbound, prestige format book which exists as an essential companion to Hayao Miyazaki's latest animated classic.

To further complement the movie-going experience, we are now proud to present the Howl's Moving Castle Picture Book, a companion publication wedding scene-by-scene film footage with character dialogue in one handsome volume. 

Based on the young-adult novel by British author Diana Wynne Jones, Howl's Moving Castle reflects on a wondrous time when science and magic captured the spirit of 19th century Europe.

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