Alfred Sisley

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کتاب مجموعه نقاشی های آلفرد سیسلی نقاش برجسته سبک امپرسیونیسم 

Born in Paris to British parents, Alfred Sisley (1839–1899) abandoned his business studies early on in order to pursue training as a landscape artist and has become admired for his characteristic subtlety and highly restrained approach to painting. This beautiful publication offers an overdue reevaluation of Sisley, one of Impressionism’s most distinctive yet undervalued figures. An artist of unparalleled sensitivity, Sisley maintained a strong commitment to creating his works outdoors, skillfully recording the nuances within the landscapes of northern France and rendering the effects of the changing light and weather patterns along specific areas of the river Seine in a truly remarkable fashion. Exploring the artist’s relationship to his fellow Impressionists as well as to his influences, including J.M.W. Turner, 17th-century Dutch art, and Japanese prints, and showcasing rarely seen privately owned works, this volume celebrates Sisley’s unique virtuosity as an observer of the natural world.  

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