The World According to Vincent van Gogh

۱,۹۰۰,۰۰۰ تومان
A collection of quotes from Vincent van Gogh on art, love, nature, colour, ambition, friendship, future, sorrow and consolation.

‘There are so many people [...] who imagine that words are nothing. On the contrary, don’t you think, it’s as interesting and as difficult to say a thing well as to paint a thing. There’s the art of lines and colours, but there’s the art of words that will last just the same’ Vincent van Gogh

For more than a century, Vincent van Gogh’s letters have been a source of inspiration to many. This book of quotes unites the exceptional and touching words of Van Gogh. Read his compelling thoughts on love, friendship, the comfort offered by art and literature, passion for work, the importance of ambition, dealing with setbacks and the beauty of nature.
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