Destination Art

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Some of the world’s greatest works of art exist outside of museums and galleries. They can be found in the open fields of Marfa, Texas, and on tiny, lush islands in Japan. This broad category of “destination art” includes massive land and environmental works and extensive sculpture parks, as well as giant public murals, but what unites them in every instance is their artistic symbiosis between place and vision.

Through the eyes of renowned art historian Amy Dempsey, the magic of public art comes alive―and while the art is undoubtedly important, in this volume, the journey to seek out and experience these works is given equal weight. Perfect for armchair adventurers and globetrotters, Destination Art offers a clear path into a vast subject. From the vibrant Park Guell in Spain and the Rock Garden of Chandigarh, India, to Walter De Maria’s Lightning Field in New Mexico, Dempsey expertly guides readers through the most exciting and significant destination artworks in the world. Each featured installation is accompanied by a short essay, stunning photographs, and useful information on key works and where to find them.

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