Epic Iran: 5000 Years of Culture

۵,۸۰۰,۰۰۰ تومان

Iran was home to some of the greatest civilizations of both the ancient and medieval worlds, but these achievements are now little known outside the country. Epic Iran brings together 250 fascinating objects and images to cast a rare light on 5,000 years of history, showing how civilized life emerged in Iran around 3,200 BC, and how a distinctive Iranian identity, formed 2,500 years ago, has survived until today, expressed through artistic continuities, religious affiliations and the Persian language.
Lavishly illustrated, this magnificent and important book encompasses metalwork, ceramics, glass, illustrated manuscripts, textiles, carpets, oil paintings, drawings and photographs from collections around the world. It brings treasures from the ancient and Islamic worlds together with the work of contemporary artists and makers, demonstrating the rich legacy that still influences many modern-day practitioners.

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۶,۳۰۰,۰۰۰ تومان
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