A Chronology of Photography

۲,۶۰۰,۰۰۰ تومان

A rich and fresh perspective on the history of photography, tracing the complex links between technological innovation, social change, and artistic intervention.

As a medium of documentation, social commentary, commercial marketing, artistic exploration, and self-expression over the last two centuries, photography has in many ways defined the way we view ourselves and the world around us.

A Chronology of Photography traces the development of the medium from early experiments with optics by artists and scientists, through the birth of photography in 1839, with the innovations of Louis Daguerre and Henry Fox Talbot, right up to the present-day explosion of digital media, with Instagram and the selfie dominating visual discourse. Providing a unique timeline framework and in-depth commentary, this volume takes a purely chronological approach to present a fresh social, political, and cultural perspective on the subject.

Tracing the complex links between technological innovation, social change, and artistic intervention, A Chronology of Photography is an invaluable and comprehensive overview of photography’s history including deeper explorations of key themes and moments.

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